The last day of Ganz!...

Dearest Ganzophiles, the very last day of Ganz is here. Take a look at what’s going on in Savska 25, and hurry up to grab some tickets! 4-9pm Lotte van den Berg  & Daan ‘t Sas (NL): BuildingConversationZAGREB2016 @ &TD atrium (*meal included) 7:30pm premiere and 9:30pm performance /  Roberta Milevoj, Zrinka Užbinec, Matija Ferlin & Bojan Gagić (HR): U očima @ French Pavillion 8:30pm Saša Božić (HR): Sluškinje @ &TD theatre, semicircular hall 9:30pm Roberta Milevoj, Zrinka Užbinec, Matija Ferlin & Bojan Gagić (HR): U očima @ French Pavillion 10pm Rabih Mroué (LB): Pixelated Revolution @ MM centre 10:30pm-3am Live Karaoke band (HR) @ &TD atrium Just a reminder that the entrance to the entire festival program is free of charge, and all the information about your ganz new tickets you can...

Bilten #3

Treći broj biltena pročitajte OVDJE....

The second day of Ganz!...

Hello! It’s us again, with ganz new information about your favorite festival! After two exciting days all we can say is: today is a good day to have a ganz new good day! And this is precisely what will make it better: 4-9pm Lotte van den Berg & Daan ‘t Sas (NL): BuildingConversationZAGREB2016 @ &TD atrium (*meal included) 8pm Rosalind Crisp (AU) & Bo Wiget (CH/DE): Crisp & Wiget @ French Pavillion 9:30pm Rabih Mroué (LB): Riding on a Cloud @ MM centre 10pm-3am Dj, osobna! (HR) @ &TD atrium If you are wondering when and where you can get your FREE ganz new tickets, click here. See you at the festival! F: Follow us on Facebook FE: Attend our...

News from culture have followed the opening night of Ganz!...

Reporter: Maja...

Ganz new adventure of Raging Ganz!...

Dear Ganzoholics, last night, with DJ Nenad Kovačić we danced the first day of Ganz away! One down, three to go, so be sure not to miss today’s program! Here’s what you can expect from the second day of the festival: 5pm, 6:30pm and 8 pm Kristoff K.Roll (FR): In the shadow of the waves @ Zrinjevac park (* in case it rains see you in Oktogon – well known Zagreb passage) 8pm Rosalind Crisp (AU) & Bo Wiget (CH/DE): Crisp & Wiget, premiere @ French Pavillion 9pm, 9:30pm and 10pm Maria Jerez (ES) in collaboration with C. Jerez (ES), E. Badanjek (HR), M. Bilosnić (HR), S. Ercegović (HR), I. Penović (HR) & M. Zelenika (HR): The cabin of delicious wonders, presentation@ &TD theatre, semicircular hall 10:30pm Erna Ómarsdóttir & Valdimar Jóhannsson (IS): Lazyblood @ SC Gallery 10:30pm-3am DJ Miro Župa (HR) @ &TD atrium The entrance to the entire festival program is free of charge, and all the information about your ganz new tickets you can find here. Welcome! F: Follow us on Facebook FE: Attend our...

First day of Ganz! Welcome!...

Dear Ganz friends, first day of Ganz is ahead of us! So, we proudly present our ganz new program for today: non-stop Erna Ómarsdóttir & Valdimar Jóhannsson (IS): Black Box Screaming Yoga Chamber, installation@ &TD theatre 17, 18:30 i 20 pm  Kristoff K.Roll (FR): In the shadow of the waves @ Zrinjevac park (* in case it rains see you in Oktogon – well known Zagreb passage ). Ganz nove besplatne ulaznice možete preuzeti na dan izvedbi predstave Kristoff K.Roll: In The Shadow of the Waves na blagajni Teatra &TD, Savska cesta 25, od 11 sati i u parku Zrinjevac od 15 sati do početka izvedbi, po principu tko prvi, njegova ulaznica! 21 pm Maria Jerez (ES): Blob @  &TD theatre, big hall 22-02 pm DJ Nenad Kovačić (HR) @ &TD atrium Don’t forget that the entrance to the entire festival programme is free of charge, and all the information about your ganz new tickets you can get here. F: Follow us on Facebook FE: Attend our...

Welcome to the general rehearsal of the performance #Building Conversation ZAGREB 2016!...

We are pleased to invite you to the sneak preview – final rehearsal of the performance #BuildingConversationZAGREB2016 by Lotte van den Berg & Daan ‘t Sasa! If you are interested in how the way we talk about the world creates the world we live in, if you are intrigued by or would like to try the conversation techniques of different cultures and people, or you simply can’t make it to the performance, you can apply with your contact mobile phone on, until midnight October 12th, on one or more of the these conversations & dates: Thursday, October 13th, from 14-17h Parliament of Things We are accustomed to humans speaking not only for themselves but also on behalf of other entities – the universe, the rain forest, the animals, the city. The Parliament of Things is a theory of Bruno Latour that makes a case for the rights of objects. In modern thought, people refuse to recognize the rights, autonomy and agency of objects and other entities, according to Latour. He argues for a human viewpoint in which the values (not the value) of objects and other entities play an active role. When developing this form of conversation, we want to take a distance from anthropocentric thinking in which humans place themselves at the centre of existence, and consider what the relation is between us and things. Can we speak on behalf of things? Are we in them? Are we opposite to them? Another source of inspiration for Parliament of Things is the Council of All Beings, a worldwide practice that investigates our relation to nonhuman entities – namely, nature. Among other things, this “Council” refers to a ritual of the Aboriginals, who consider themselves connected with plants, clouds, and a mountain as if they were their ancestors. They use masks to speak on behalf of these entities. We want to use masks in a similar way in this conversation/performance and investigate what it means for us Westerners to speak on behalf of things, on behalf of nature. Will this remain a dualistic relation, from a person to a thing, or is it conceivable that a different relation will arise, that we give ourselves a different place in the universe? Friday, October 14th, from 10-13h Time Loop Are we capable of going back in time before we were born, ahead to after we die? Indians from the Great Lakes District in Canada have the tradition to, before making an important decision, consult first their ancestors from seven generations ago, and after that, their descendants from seven generations in the future as well. Only in the third instance do they study what impact the eventual decision will have on the present. In the West, short-term thinking is what often seems to prevail over looking ahead and looking back. As a result, the future becomes an abstract, remote perspective, unconnected to the world we live in. Can being related to the distant past help us in relating to the distant future? Inspired by the practice of the Indians from the Great Lakes District but also by contemporary thinkers like Giorgio Agamben, who speaks of the importance of being strongly rooted in the past in order to have a vision of the future, we are creating a method of conversation with various rounds in which the participants alternatingly talk from the perspective of their ancestors, their descendants and themselves. Can we expand our awareness of time, the time-space in which we live, and enlarge our thinking? There appears to be a shortage of time on all levels – daily life, within a person’s lifespan, in relation to climate change, etc. We feel like we are in a race against the clock. We are already too late, it seems. What would happen if we ‘zoom out’ in time? Does this put the decisions we make into perspective or does it make them extra...

Ganz novi video za 6. Ganz novi festival!...

A young crew from Academy of Dramatic Arts from Zagreb has created a ganz new promo for this year´s festival, a full service, from concept to realization. directing and script: Marko Turčinov, Espi Tomičić actors: Maruška Aras, Olivera Baljak, Robert Španić cinematographer: Karla Jurić editor: Marko Kljajić sound: Petra Storić organisation: Iva...

Stop burying your rage. Culture heals!...

Only one week separates us from the opening of the 6th Ganz novi festival in Student Centre in Zagreb, one of many Zagreb festivals, yet completely new. Every year Ganz introspects and reinterprets itself considering the social context within which it works, the artists with whom it has the opportunity to cooperate, and the needs of the scene and the audience which it tries to grasp. This year Ganz is moving to the other side of the ramp, to the Ganz audience that will for the first time have a chance to see pieces from established European and world authors such as Rabih Mroué and Erna Ómarsdóttir, and to gain a socially acceptable framework for expression and creative transformation of anger and rage – emotions that are in our society widely suppressed and condemned. Ganz is an instant healing festival because it hits straight in the head: questions the mortal sin, the way we talk about the world, the way we think about the war, what we consider miracles, while driving away the fear of the unknown. At The Raging Ganz which takes place between October 13th and October 16th, we are expecting 50 artists from 9 countries, who will, during the 4 days of the festival, introduce current theatre happenings. The opening of the festival will be held in Zrinjevac park, where the art installation In the shadow of the waves by the French sound art duo Kristoff K.Roll will take place. Artists are inviting all citizens to participate in the making of the sound library of the sleeping world: The dream story evokes possible worlds, nightime, the quiet hours, the other world we inhabit as sleepers. Record your memories of dreams, speaking into our microphone! After three weeks of intensive workshop, María...


… for a sound library of the sleeping world … French artistic duo Kristoff K.Roll (Carole Rieussec i J-Kristoff Camps) within their residency and performances from October 10 to 14, 2016 at Ganz New Festival in Zagreb, invite you to record your memories of dreams, speaking into their microphone. The stories will then be edited, and the sound reworked. Each breath, each respiratory sound will be highlighted. The dream story is what remains after waking up, or that lasts through the days and nights, forming a parallel life … vestiges of the dream transformed by speech, memory, and the present. The dream story is all the more valuable when it is full of details, when it encourages others to enter its domain, its own specif construction, its atmosphere. The dream story evokes possible worlds, nightime, the quiet hours, the other world we inhabit as sleepers. The collected dreams can be listened during the audio-speaking siestas A l’Ombre des Ondes (In The Shadow of the Waves) on October 13th and 14th, 2016 surrounded by a world of sound invented in real time at Zagreb Park Zrinjevac. Also, they will be stored in a sound library of dream stories compiled by the duo Kristoff K.Roll with each encounter. The duo Kristoff K.Roll are now gathering dreams in your area, contact them and arrange your recording session by writing at e-mail: no later than October 10th 2016. Residency and performances are realised in partnership with Institut Francais, project TransARTE and program TEATROSKOP...


You can pick up your FREE Ganz New tickets on the day of the performance of a particular program at Teatar &TD Box Office, Savska cesta 25, from 11 a.m. till the start of the performance on a first come, first served basis! You don’t need tickets for instant healing dance parties, concert and installation —...

WORKSHOP/ Erna Ómarsdóttir: METAL AEROBIK...

15. 10., 16 do 19pm @ &TD theatre, big hall Metal aerobics is an invention from the Shalala workshop where dark energy is juxtaposed with extreme positive energy almost fake. It’s borrowing the form of a fitness class or aerobics, something that most people recognize and this makes it easy for everybody to enter into. Those two extremes juxtaposing constantly using simple steps and breathing out load, the repetition and the extreme simple movements, breathing, ending in a scream makes you experience an extreme liberation for a moment and that feeling lasts throughout the day along with a dash of neck muscle pain. We will do black yoga screaming exercises, metal aerobics and other wonderful and liberating stuff. We will say hello to our demons and think of different ways to cast them out, inventing unusual healing ritual by doing basic stuff like cleaning our house but in a rhytmical screaming and head banging dance. We will create our own private invisible almost completely sound proof black yoga screaming chamber but we will scream together out of joy, out of anger, out of frustration, to forget, to get energised, to get relaxed, scream all our problems away, scream for no particular reason at all. This might be a live saying experience…...


11. and 12.10. 18 to 21pm te 14. and 16.10. 17 to 20pm @ SC (SC Gallery and &TD theatre) In order to produce a work which moves towards integrality non-violently taking into account all the givens, we need to go back to motivation, structure, composition and dramaturgy – elementary concepts which get mixed up, but which we cannot do without. Lead by the theatre director Nataša Rajković, a six-day-long workshop will consist of conversations, presentations and individual consultations. Participants will have a chance to meet with Croatian artists and experts. The focus of the workshop will be on the special needs of participants’ own projects. During the workshop, they will be able to develop their ideas by means of individual consultations and/ or practically test them in the Student Center’s facilities. What we are talking about, preceded by thinking why are we talking about that, why that in particular? You have to deal with this on your own and if you resolve that question, you are on the right way to take your performance where it needs to go.— Nataša Rajković (Kazalište #53/54.) BIOGRAPHY Nataša Rajković is a theatre director and author. Since 2004, she has been the artistic director of the Culture of Change program within the Student Center of the University of Zagreb. Together with the theatre director Bobo Jelčić, she has worked in theatre since 1993. Their performances were shown all over Europe and won multiple awards....


13., 14. and 16.10., 10am to 16pm and 15.10., 10am to 14pm Adriana Josipović (HR): EXTRAVAGANT FURIES @ &TD theatre Are you furious? Or just plainly angry and unsatisfied? Are you scared, paralyzed or stunned by your dark side? You always wanted to take a walk on your „other side“, but you never dared? Take a walk and socialize with your demons at our four days workshop Extravagant furies. By using techniques and methods of physical theatre, theatre clown, active imagination and self-development techniques, through individual and collective exercises attendees will research their „darkness“, its imaginary and energetic potential, and articulate it with language of individual etudes. This workshop is for courageous, for uncompromising, for all who „dare“! “Powerful you have become, the dark side I sense in you.” Yoda Adriana Josipović is an author, performer, mentor and assistant to many plays and performances in Croatia and...


13.10., 18  to 20:30pm and 16.10., 11:30am to 14pm, Enesa Mahić: Rage Dance @ SC Gallery How do you hold anger in your body and how do you release it without harming yourself or the others? Have you ever screamed your rage out and what does it want to say? What happens after the rage leaves the body? In this class we practice embodiment of anger and rage through dance, voice and body-oriented psychotherapy exercises. Learning to ground, express and integrate the anger without becoming overwhelmed by it. What were the early experiences of our anger and how was it accepted or rejected by our primary caretakers? How was anger expressed in my family? What are the beliefs that shaped my attitude towards anger? In this class we explore our personal history of rage, through dance, movement, ritual theatre and body-oriented psychotherapy exercises. Classes are open to dancers with any levels of experience. Even though we create a safe lab for exploration, please be aware that the classes will be loud, possibly emotional, with intense movements. Enesa Mahić trained in body psychotherapy, dance and trauma work, she’s been working with groups and individuals for almost 15 years....


13.-16.10., 17 to 20pm, Edo Maajka (HR): Ganz new songs @ &TD theatre, SEK hall You would like to write songs and rhymes? You want to rage out on the paper? You can’t suppress your ideas anymore or else you will explode? Well, we can help you with the four day workshop at this year’s Ganz festival. The focus of the workshop is divided in two parts: -creative process or: what is and what is not a good idea, developing of the idea -writing and recording a song together + how to perform a poem and transfer the creative impulse to the audience. First two days we will try to do Platon’s work (somewhat easier than Sysiphus’!) and turn ideas into chords and texts, and on the last two days we will record the song and deal with her life after the recording. If we make a hit song, there’s a surprise for all participants of the workshop. Edo Maajka is a well-known rapper, record producer and...

To rage is legit! Do it soon at the 6th edition of Ganz New Festival!...

Do you want to find out what Black Yoga Screaming Chamber is, and how your screaming affects your psycho-physical condition, what is so compelling about electronic metal opera (yes, you read that correctly!), and how to painlessly get rid of anger without harming yourself or others? For the first time in Croatia, at Raging Ganz New Festival which will take place between October 13th and October 16th in Student Centre in Zagreb, you can explore rage through dance, movement, voice and laughter. Thus in our main and off program of the festival, European, Lebanese, Icelandic and Australian artists, associates Adriana Josipović, DJ, Osobna!, Edo Maajka, Erna Ómarsdóttir & Valdimar Jóhannsson, Enesa Mahić, Kristoff K. Roll, Live band Karaoke, Lotte van den Berg & Daan ’t Sas, María Jerez, Cuqui Jerez, Eva Badanjek, Ivan Penović, Matea Bilosnić, Martina Zelenika & Sara Ercegović, Miro Župa, Nataša Rajković, Nenad Kovačić, Rabih Mroué, Roberta Milevoj, Zrinka Užbinec, Matija Ferlin & Bojan Gagić, Rosalind Crisp & Bo Wiget, Saša Božić and many others will offer you 4 days of free theatre and dance performances, art installations, workshops and uncompromising DJ dance evenings. Among other things, you will experience theatre of sound by sound art duo Kristoff K. Roll who will take you in the world of dreams and sound, a whole set of conversation techniques of diverse cultures in Building Conversation by theatre artist Lotte van den Berg, and two multimedia projects by Rabih Mroué, a director and actor from Beirut whose work has been presented all over the world. Australian artist Rosaling Crisp, together with Swiss composer and musician Bo Wiget, will present their musical and dance performance Crisp & Wiget at the French pavilion, and Croatian dance artists Roberta Milevoj and Zrinka Užbinec will present the premiere...